The other week I was back home in Felixstowe and decided to go out for the day taking photos. It had been a while since I’d been out on a good photo session so I tried to make the most of the day. The best way to do this in Felixstowe is to head either down to the ferry, the docks or the beach. I was lucky as it so happen the annual vintage car rally from Ipswich to Felixstowe was in town, which offered me even more targets to point my camera at.
I started by walking the whole length of the prom past all the cars and through the crowds of people. I was really looking for an armoured personal carrier that had passed me on the road; so I took the chance to eye up the other cars for later while I continued my search. What I did not realise at the time was the APC I was looking for was at the other end of the prom from where I’d stared.

On my way back I started to take photos of the cars and the other vintage vehicles they had on display. But I was finding just taking photos of the vehicles a bit tedious as I had done this before in previous years. So I set myself the small project theme of “Close Ups” and proceed to take lots of close up images of the interesting aspects of the cars. As I went along the collection of cars this soon turned into a more focused theme of car badges and logos until I ended up with the collection of photos I have loaded.
If you would like to view the rest of the 2009 Classic Car Rally set you can do on my Zerospin Flickr Profile.